The 2024 Primary Season is still Blossoming
Super Tuesday is over but the excitement from the night is rolling on.
On both sides of the aisle, pundits and prognosticators are lending their two cents.
But one thing is clear, inboxes will continue to be filled with messages updating you, alerting you and most importantly, asking you to support their candidate(s).
And these messages will continue until each primary, state by state is completed. That means, depending on where you live and the lists you’re subscribed to, you’ll be seeing these messages from now through September, and then get ready for them to be flooded by the general election candidates.
For the Presidential race, the candidates from both major parties, and “Independent” Robert Kennedy Jr, appear to be selected for the remainder of this cycle. Since the evening of Super Tuesday, no one seems to be waiting for any candidate to receive the requisite number of delegates.
And clearly, no one is waiting for all states and territories to finish their primaries, conventions or caucus process. The race is on!

And while most of the media is focused on the Trump versus Biden re-match, there are still candidates vying for U.S. Senate, Congress and even state assembly. In some states, races also include campaigns for Governor and other statewide constitutional offices like Lieutenant Governor, Treasurer or Secretary of State.
With nearly 200 hundred days until the 2024 Election is over, it means more people need to get out more messages. Their messages have never been more important…and you can’t waste a moment.

If inboxes are clogged with Trump and Biden, then what is your candidate doing to get their message read?
That’s where help from our team at BestROILists can make the difference.
Political news is happening by the hour and candidates should use the opportunity to opine about these events and engage with the public, make their voices heard and garner support.
First, you need to understand your candidate’s strengths and weaknesses.
Second, you need to determine if your message should be focused on fundraising, engagement, or old-fashioned voter contact.
Each of these goals requires a focus on your audience—donors, supporters in the local area or voters specific to your state or district.
You must target people correctly and utilize the best medium for reaching them—email, SMS, social media, influencers, and paid ads.
Prospect to reach new online donors based on your party affiliation, values or political interests. If they donate through one of these channels, you should attempt to engage them in another, but understand that if they are an email donor, they’ll most likely want to limit their communications from you in email.
But that should not stop you from testing.

Let’s face it, your political campaign or PAC can probably put a message on social media faster than you can string together an email letter that will require approval from the candidate or the consultant.
When current events occur, you need to strike while the iron is hot.
Your message must come across as urgent and direct. You need to ensure your audience understands the problem and you need to convince them that your candidate’s victory in the 2024 Election or the work of your PAC will cause the solution to occur, even if that solution is stopping the other side.
You cannot hope that if your message about the Biden Administration promoting “Transgender Visibility Day” on Easter doesn’t go out until May Day that it would have the same effect as it would have three days after Easter.
By then, it’s old news and another scandal will have popped up.
Email marketing and SMS marketing are most valuable to people in politics when it rides the wave of current events.
In fact, it’s most valuable when you play towards the feelings of the recipient and help them to perpetuate their First Amendment Right to donate to your campaign or organization to propel their beliefs.
Best of all, this is an easy, tried and true method for success.
If you’re ready to take advantage of it, then please contact one of our specialists at BestROILists so we can help you today.